NerveFarm Opens Liquidity Staking for ETC-NVT LP

Stake ETC-NVT to Earn ETC on 27th Oct, 12:00 PM UTC

3 min readOct 25, 2023

A new NerveFarm will be avaliable on 27th Oct, 12:00 PM UTC, where uses can stake ETC-NVT LP to earn ETC assets. Follow the instructions to stake & earn. In NerveNetwork, you can operate a Nabox wallet to participate in the NerveFarm staking. Here are some tips on how to deposit ETC from Ethereum Classic to NerveNetwork and additional tools you will need before participating:

Step 1. SwapBox: Bridge $ETC from Ethereum Classic to NerveNetwork

Step 2. SwapBox: Get NVT assets using SwapBox

Step 3. Liquidity: Form ETC- NVT LP token

Step 4. NerveFarm: Stake ETC-NVT LP on NerveFarm to earn

Note: You can proceed the step 1 (crosschain) with MetaMask wallet, but you will need a Nabox Wallet to operate the rest actions on NerveNetwork. In this article, we will be demonstrating using Nabox Wallet, which can be downloaded from their website:

Step 1: Bridge ETC to NerveNetwork

  • Switch address to Ethereum Classic, connect your Nabox Wallet to SwapBox
  • Select ETC as the crosschain assets. Select NerveNetwork as the destination chain, hit “Next”. NerveNetwork is a super-low gas network, so you only have to pay very little as the fuel!
  • Click “Confirm” to approve the transaction. Your destination chain will receive the assets in 2–4 minutes.

Step 2: Get NVT assets using SwapBox

In step 1, 2 ETC were transferred to NerveNetwork. To add liquidity for ETC-NVT pair, the same value of NVT should be prepared. SwapBox is here for the job!

  • Swap $ETC (Ethereum Classic) to $NVT(NerveNetwork) with SwapBox easily
  • You will receive the assets in 2–3 minuts.

Check wallet balance, now we have both ETC and NVT prepared!

Step 3. Liquidity: Form ETC- NVT LP token

You can create ETC-NVT LP token on Nerve Liquidity.

  • Choose either “ETC” or “NVT”, the dapp will automatically calculate the other half asssets that is required. Hit “Confirm” and “Sign” to proceed.

Step 4: Stake ETC-NVT LP on NerveFarm to earn

  • Hit “Confirm” to complete supply.
  • Check your share of the liquidity pool.

Note: The ETC-NVT farm will go live on Oct 27th, 12 PM UTC, meaning that the farm will not generate any rewards until the exact time, but you can deposit your share into the pool before it opens. Happy staking!

About NerveNetwork

NerveNetwork aims to connect all isolated blockchains and establish a cross-chain asset exchange network, providing all necessary underlying support for the DeFi ecosystem. Let every digital asset holder experience a truly safe, free and transparent DeFi service.

