NerveNetwork Implemented crosschain Bridges for SmartBCH

3 min readJun 15, 2022


NerveNetwork built crosschain bridges to smartBCH

NerveNetwork is in partnership with SmartBCH as NerveNetwork has joined the SmartBCH ecosystem. NerveNetwork will provide cross-chain support for the projects on the SmartBCH chain to interact with other blockchains. And we, the Nerve team, will import and deploy more blockchain projects in the SmartBCH network in the future.

At present, we have completed the following regarding this crosschain integration:

  • SmartBCH network cross-chain module is added to Nerve to support the SmartBCH cross-chain protocol. The Nerve decentralized cross-chain smart contract is deployed in SmartBCH network.
  • NerveNetwork supports SmartBCH network assets to cross chain to Nerve. All transactions of assets from SmartBCH in NerveNetwork will be charged with zero fee.
  • NerveBridge supports the cross-chain transfer of SmartBCH network assets.
  • The Nerve explorer supports cross-chain asset inquiry of the SmartBCH network.
  • The NerveBridge cross-chain DApp will support cross-chain SmartBCH assets. Currently, we already have Ethereum, BSC, Heco, OKC, Polygon, Harmony, Tron, KCC, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Optimisim, Fantom, IoTeX, Metis, Klaytn, and NULS.

Quote from SmartBCH

“SmartBCH aims to build a new playgroung for Bitcoin cash’s ecosystem and enlarge the user base. EVM&Web3 compatatible and has short block interval to support DeFi applications.

The throughput will be as large as one billion gas every 15 seconds to allow more users practice DeFi at very low cost.

SmartBCH has been developed from scratch and is made of several low-level libraries which fully leverage the potential of hardware,especially its inherent parallelism.

Earning extra reward for Bitcoin cash’sminers and holders,who can elect smart Bitcoin cash’svalidators with hash power and locked coins,respectively.

Develop trustless non-custodian two-way pegged gateways,which can support any kinds of side chains of Bitcoin cash for securely transferring BCH bidirectionally .This enables Bitcoin cash to include more side chains for a richer ecosystem.”

Quote from Berzeck — The Founder of NerveNetwork

We are happy to establish this partnership with SmartBCH.

We believe our partnership will bring more opportunities for Both Nerve and SmartBCH. We hope the SmartBCH community members will enjoy the cross-chain benefits provided by NerveNetwork, and we also look forward to more collaboration opportunities from the SmartBCH ecosystem and suggestions from the SmartBCH community!

About SmartBCH

Smart Bitcoin Cash is a sidechain for Bitcion Cash and has an aim to explore new ideas and unlock novel.

passibilities.By developing optimized,high-throughput and hardware-friendly libraries compatble with the de facto standards of smart contracts,Defi applications can be easily migrated Bitcoin Cash’s ecosystem and run fluently at low cost.

About NerveNetwork

Nerve is a decentralized digital asset network, based on the NULS service framework. Nerve uses the blockchain cross-chain interaction protocol developed and built using the NULS-ChainBox. Nerve aims to break the isolation of the single blockchain, enable asset exchange with cross-chain, and provide support that is needed for Defi applications. NerveNetwork provides a better, safer, and low-cost Defi application service for all digital asset holders.

